"The assumption that being fat and confident somehow places you in a different realm in the world of humans has always confused me. As a child I wasencouraged to be all the things. My size was never emphasized until I met the gazing eyes of others. I was always more developed, bigger than my classmates. I watched all the small petite girls have crushes and wear the cute clothes that I could never fit into. Being treated soft and girly was rarely something I received. I was the one that was funny; I was everyone’s best friend, here to hear about how I’m such a good person. But if I was so good, why did I feel so ignored in my body? At some point in time I said fuck it. I decided that I was going to be the baddest bitch in the room. Period. No matter my size. So it started and snowballed into me loving every part of me. Not all at once. But overtime. I stopped worrying about wearing the things I was "supposed" to wear. I threw respectability politics out the door. I wore what made me feel good. Which most of the time was nothing at all. Being naked. Letting it all hang out literally. I was and am young, gifted, black, and fat. I am enough. More than enough no matter how this body may change, how I choose to convey myself in clothes is ever evolving. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. There’s only one me. Life is short. I’d rather spend it loving all parts of me. Because it helps me to love all parts of you." -Curry